About Us

At Naturalie I hand make high quality natural skincare – balms, hot and cold process soap, body butters, shaving soap, bath salts and shower steamers. Every one of my products are inspired by nature, and every ingredient that I include in my products are there for a reason – beneficial for your skin and body.

I love to make natural soap and skincare products which are gentle on the skin, kind to the environment and a joy to give and receive.

Using traditional cold process method I make soaps I am happy to use myself every day. I know what ingredients go in them and how they perform over time.

I am an Indigenous Australian and have been using aromatherapy and natural skincare for many years. I grew up in the bush in the harsh Australian climate, typically icy cold in the winter and stinking hot in the summer and from years of these harsh conditions my skin needed proper nourishment – better late than never! I decided to make a natural body butter using the nourishment and benefits of Australian Native plants and essential oils. I launched my first all natural product in late 2019 – Quandong Infused Body Butter!

I grew up eating the raw sweet and tangy fruit of the Quandong Tree, Mum also stewed and dried the fruit for homemade pies and in communities the kernel and leaves were often used to soothe tooth aches and skin sores. The Quandong is a truly unique native Australian fruit, is widely dispersed throughout the central deserts and southern areas of Australia. Quandong’s high levels of antioxidants, vitamin c, rutin and phenolic acids make it perfect for skincare as it nourishes, protects and soothes your skin.

Nourish your skin with our Quandong Infused Body Butter. This body butter will help keep your skin from drying out and gives it the moisture it needs. You will love how it leaves your skin feeling like afterwards. Our body butters are made of raw butters and all-natural ingredients, they make your body smell incredible and make it oh-so smooth and soft. A little goes a long way too.

Using traditional cold process method I make soaps I am happy to use myself every day. I know what ingredients go in them and how they perform over time.

Your skin is your largest organ. And as such, it can soak in an awful lot of toxins and chemical – choose natural ingredients for your skin!

We have all these native plants, natural plant powders, oil and butters from our good earth and that is why that we use them in our skincare range and in our soap making. Unlike commercial soaps, where the glycerin is removed and sold as a separate by-product, homemade soap retains the glycerine, which is very moisturising. Glycerine is made when the lye reacts with the fats and remains in our handmade soap!

All of our products are handmade in small batches.
I also love to sew and make items such as hair drying wraps, eye masks, pot holders, bowl cosies, shopping/grocery bags, scrunchies and hand towels.

These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease, nor prescribe any course of therapy. It is recommended to always do a patch test to determine possible sensitivity or allergic reaction. Every person is different so please use caution. Contains nuts. Avoid contact with eyes, do not ingest and in the case of skin irritation, discontinue use.